Download PPSSPP-PSP Emulator 1.18.1 Apk latest stable version with bug fixes, runs faster without any lagging.
If you are having issues with the Gold version of PPSSPP-PSP Emulator this one is highly recommend by me, because i have personally tested the Emulator App and it doesn’t lag.
PPSSPP – PSP Emulator Description
Play PSP games on your Android device, at high definition with extra features!
PPSSPP is the original and best PSP emulator for Android. It runs a lot of games, but depending on the power of your device all may not run at full speed.
No games are included with this download. Use your own real PSP games and turn them into .ISO or .CSO files, or simply play free homebrew games, which are available online. Put those in /PSP/GAME on your SD card / USB storage.
Download PPSSPP-PSP Emulator Apk Normal version
PPSSPP-PSP Emulator normal Apk support most Android phones, this version is the latest build of the emulator which is been improved on a daily basis at website.
PPSSPP – PSP Emulator 1.18.1 Apk
Older Version
PPSSPP – PSP Emulator 1.15 Apk Download