Thanks to the concerted efforts of numerous PS3 developers, PS3HEN has been receiving numerous updates which are making noCFW PS3s (Late Slim/Super Slim) closer to CFW-compatible PS3s functionality-wise. This time, PS3HEN got another update bringing it up to version 2.2.1 which comes with PSP ISO Launcher support, improved compatibility with multiMAN and a lot of other things!
What is PS3HEN?
As its name suggests, PS3HEN is a homebrew enabler for noCFW PlayStation 3 models which allows late Slim and Super Slim consoles (minver of 3.60 or higher) to run homebrew and make use of some CFW features. Initially, it only ran on HFW 4.84.2 but later, it was also made to work on OFW 4.82 since both versions have an older version of WebKit which is vulnerable to a bug needed for PS3HEN to run.
Thanks to PS3HEN, you can use backup mangers like multiMAN and other homebrew like emulators as you would on a regular hacked PS3 console (with some exceptions/missing features)
Over the course of around 7 weeks, the feature set of PS3HEN has greatly increased and it can do the following:
Obviously, you can run homebrew like multiMAN and numerous emulators in the form of RetroArch cores (or stand-alone ones)
Support for PSXISO, BDISO and BD/DVD region patches
Run kernel plugins and use PS3 ISOs to run game backups (v2)
Update itself through the HEN updater and it also lets you use the PS2 Classics Launcher (v2.02)
Other features including on-the-fly RAP activation and the inclusion of Hybrid Firmware Tools
What does PS3HEN 2.2.1 bring along?
PS3HEN 2.2.1, which was released a few hours ago, is a pretty significant update and it brings about a lot of new features including:
PSP ISO Launcher support which means that you can play games by just copying them over rather than having to rely on PKGs (Remasters/Minis)
Now, you can play PSP games like “Adventures Of Gurumin” on your PS3HEN-ed PS3 by simply copying over the ISO. Make sure to check the compatibility list first though!
Compatibility with programs such as multiMAN, and others which replace syscall 6-10, has been improved
The stackframe and PS3HEN bin files have been merged into one file named PS3HEN.BIN
The in-game screenshot feature has now been enabled
You now get a notification with the PS3HEN version currently installed when you boot up your PS3
On-the-fly PS2 Classics Launcher activation
Self Threading support which fixes issues with some games like Splinter Cell Trilogy
A HEN installer feature has been added and some appearance changes
Numerous fixes and improvements relating to memory management, kernel plugins larger than 64KB are now supported and some technical improvements like a fail-safe for stage0 if stage2 isn’t found among other things detailed in the link below
In order to install this updated version of PS3HEN and make use of the new features, you can update through the HEN Updater found in Network->Hybrid Firmware Tools->PS3HEN Updater->Update PS3HEN which takes care of the updating for you as long as you’re connected to the internet. If you don’t have PS3HEN installed, you have to follow the installation instructions found in the link below
As usual, the regular warnings about PS3HEN still apply since getting banned on PSN is still a possibility and there have been no significant developments in that area. Due to this, it’s recommended you stay off PSN as much as possible to greatly reduce the chances of getting your account or PS3 console banned. If your PS3 has a minver of FW 3.56 or lower, use the PS3Xploit NAND/NOR flasher and install a proper CFW such as Rebug instead!
For more information, you can check out the links below:
PS3HEN 2.2.1 release thread (+ Download Link/Changelog):
esc0rtd3w’s Twitter (updates about PS3HEN releases/progress):
PSX-Place’s FAQ on PS3HEN (includes lots of info in one place which is otherwise scattered around; it hasn’t been updated for PS3HEN 2.2.1 yet):