There have been Many ‘Mario-esque’ games that have cropped up over the years; When you have a formula that works as well as the one nintendo use for their lead poster boy, people are always going to copy it and implement it for their own creations.
Take ‘over bros 6’ as an example, a rom hack of the game tiny too adventures that simply added mario into the game in place of buster bunny. Rom hack creator Kensuyjin33 Has created ‘Super Mario Bros. 6 ‘Out of the Super Bros. 6 rom, adapting the gameplay and furthering the work of the original Rom by swapping out the rest of the characters with famous faces from the mushroom kingdom, essentially swinging the universe once more.
All of the bosses and characters in the game are now from Mario’s many adventures, and the levels have been adapted to run more smoothly. Kensuyjin33 has also added new cutscenes and created a new narrative, adding that they have put a lot of hours into making the game feel ‘fresh and be enjoyed as a new installment of the famous lead’.
Check out the links in the youtube video above for more information on how to grab the rom hack for yourself!
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